Female betta with guppies I tried to put a female endler into the tank for her retirement. Final thoughts Provided that you set up your tank correctly with lots of thick planting and places where both species can hide, your betta buddy should be fine in Jun 21, 2024 · The only successful combination for a community tank is female guppies with a female betta. Your female betta may also turn on your guppies as a result, leading to injuries. (They are all male guppies btw) I followed that person's info and my guppies thrive (along with my betta) I have pictures on my profile's album section if your interested! Jan 17, 2022 · It is essential to put only one female with the guppies as multiple females can cause problems. Jan 18, 2023 · Male or female betta can be introduced to a mixed group of Guppies for an attractive aquarium. Female Betta. Female Betta Fish With Male Guppies. Conclusion. Specially, I would really like to get a female galaxy koi betta. If your betta is feisty at all he could very well kill it pretty quickly. Hi, my name is Sean, and I’m the primary writer on the site. Oct 11, 2022 · – Guppy. Setting Up a 5-Gallon Tank for Guppies and Betta. How many will be good in Oct 18, 2023 · Guppies and female bettas both prefer water conditions with a pH of 6. Those two male guppies bit little peices of fin off and chased her around the tank for TWO WHOLE DAYS before she justSNAPPED. As for tank size, both guppies and betta fish can be kept in relatively small tanks. Female bettas and female guppies. i have my male betta in a 36 gallon with a school of neon tetras, some guppies, leopard danios, mystery snails, shrimp, and corys. Additionally, their active swimming and schooling behavior can overwhelm and stress a solitary betta. Keeping Male Guppies Together. Guppies thrive in slightly cooler temperatures than bettas at around 72-78°F. Prevent this from happening by waiting until the betta is bigger. The female betta did get along for a week or so but then they start attacking and nipping on the guppies fins and that end up killing them. This helps to reduce the likelihood of male guppies competing for females and harassing female platies. Guppies are very nippy and female platies and mollies can easily outgrow a Betta, leading to more aggression. For instance, if you opt for a female betta to live with guppies of female gender, there may not be constant attacks. Female Bettas with Female Guppies. This often leads to novice tank owners thinking it’s okay to put in their male guppies with female bettas. I put my guppy in a birthing box in the betta tank, removed momma after birth back in the community tank and let the fry grow up with him in the 10 gallon. This is because male betta fish hunt down and attack the guppy fry. While betta fish have the reputation of being highly aggressive fish, it is possible to house a group of female bettas (also called a “betta harem” or “sorority” or even “girl tank”) together in one tank and still ensure a peaceful environment. 5-7. But the male guppies may at some point try mating with the female betta, leading to some conflict. Avoid Bettas and guppies can live Oct 4, 2023 · To safely cohabit guppies and bettas, select less aggressive betta breeds and preferably female bettas. I hope Autumn gets better soon!----- May 31, 2023 · But they look similar to female guppies. Jan 18, 2015 · The betta I kept with guppies was okay with adults, but ended up stalking, chasing down, and eating all the fry within a day. this is my experience. Apr 5, 2012 · Betta Fish Compatibility Jun 12, 2024 · Guppies are smaller fish that also like to travel in groups. The male betta fish will also attack the female guppies during breeding, which can lead to stress and even death. Apart from gender in both these fish types there are other factors that can induce fight and stress within them, that could be tank environment setups, temperature, food sharing, territory violence, fish egg protection etc. Selecting non-vibrant males from the guppy set is recommended, as overly colorful fish might draw unwelcome attention from the betta! For this reason, it’s best to keep Guppies with a female Betta rather than a male. However, You can also sell or gift your guppy fry if you cannot prevent the breeding of your guppies. May 6, 2017 · I had a VERY sweet, non-aggressive female betta in my dad's community tank when I was little. Look into ember tetras or chili rasboras. I am going to upgrade to a 10 gallon tank soon. To provide an ideal habitat for female bettas, a tank size of at least 5 gallons is recommended, with proper substrate, plants, and a filter that doesn’t create strong currents. Male guppies can be virtually any color which can be in an arrangement of spots, stripes, or blotches. If he seems okay, you can add your guppies. Male guppies are notorious for harassing females until they become very stressed. 14. Your betta is less likely to be aggressive towards him because he won’t feel like they’re invading his territory. Bettas are very aggressive towards other fish that have flashy tail fins and colors. He was totally determined, patrolling the tank and locking in one them even when they hid totally still among the plants and substrate. But, it most definitely isn’t! Female bettas are smaller and male guppies often mistake them for female guppies. 5, and moderate hardness. I know it's usually frowned upon to keep a betta with anything else, but I've also seen a lot of people have them in their community tanks. 5: Divided: PoopyFace Tomato Nose (MaleCT), and HandyQuacks (Snail), SpongeBob (MaleVT), and Gary (Snail) But, the much less colorful female guppies are a decent tank mate for a betta fish, but even then, a betta might try to take a nip at one of the guppies here and there, it depends on the personality of the individual betta. Start them out with a barrier first, and watch how they interact. They're guppies lol Aug 20, 2023 · Bettas, both male and female, will hunt down and eat Guppy fry. Read More Apr 14, 2011 · Male Betta with guppies can work, it all depends on how docile your Betta is and the size of your tank. 5 Gallon- 20-25 Guppy fry Not even an all female tank. 5 and temperatures ranging from 76°F to 81°F. Female Betta fish aren’t half as aggressive as their males. Reply I have a female betta who is honestly pretty mellow. Male guppies can be territorial to a lesser extent, and they can also be fin nippers, which could lead to confrontations with male betta fish that don’t end Mar 27, 2023 · In fact, many aquarists choose to feed their Betta-Guppy tanks the same food to save money and time. Remember that this scenario will work only if your female guppies are not brightly colored. I just put up a new album in my profile called Community tank with Betta Check it out if you would like too and see his new tank mates. Do you think that would work? Oct 27, 2016 · The wait is finally over! The famale Bettas are finally ready to go into their community fish tank. Females are much less aggressive than males and are more likely to leave the Guppy school alone. Apr 15, 2013 · I have a 15 gallon that formally housed female bettas. It also helps to reduce stress and boredom for the Betta, as they have I have a betta with full sized fancy cobra guppies and neon tetras, but he is an extremely docile betta and a feather fin so he can't swim very fast, but I've never seen him even flare at them. Expect more broods! The best strategy if you don't want the fry to make it is to add a female betta if your bioload will allow it. In this article, we'll explore the physical and behavioral differences between male and female guppies to help you identify their… Mar 14, 2014 · Guppies with female Betta. Bettas, even females, can be territorial, especially towards vibrant fins like those of male mollies. Mar 7, 2023 · Guppies are a popular species of freshwater fish that are known for their vibrant colors and playful personalities. But still, you need to be careful if the female guppies are too colorful. The male guppy’s flowing tail and vibrant patterns, especially in certain strains, bear an uncanny resemblance to the fins of another male Betta. 7 neons, 4 x-ray tetra, 5 male guppies, 1 African dwarf frog. Remember, research fish compatibility before adding new fin friends to the betta tank! A rose tail Betta is an easy nipping target who can't swim nearly as fast as a Endler can. Live Plants and Decorations Guppies originate from the Amazon, where there is an abundance of driftwood, plants, and other natural hiding spots. However, much of the livebearer fry will be eaten by the betta. For a start, female guppies are a fairly drab grey color with little to no color on their tail. Edit - you have a 22 litre tank by my calculation - far too small for a Betta with community fish. How can one ensure a peaceful coexistence between betta fish and guppies? Apr 10, 2023 · My three guppies are yellow with a round tail, a half black half blue guppy with a fan tail, and a half black half blue guppy with a flag tail (all male). Size Jul 8, 2024 · Female guppies, with their less vibrant colours, are less likely to be perceived as a threat or competition by the betta fish, thus reducing the chances of aggression and conflict within the tank. Male guppies, in particular, have long and flowing fins that may resemble those of a betta, potentially triggering territorial disputes. This is because male guppies become aggressive when competing for females, and male bettas are more likely to display aggression. Would my established Female Betta get along with honeys? She doesn't bother any of the other fish. The only thing I have in it right now are my 6 guppies. a long-finned betta, as guppies can be nippy with each other and with other fish, a plakat will have an easier time getting away and has less delicate finnage. So keeping a betta (either a female or male) with more guppies together is probably for the best. I also want to get either balloon molly's or neons at some point. Female bettas are also aggressive, territorial, and unpredictable at times so it’s important to monitor behavior and provide plenty of hiding spots. This type of setup is known as a betta sorority tank. I was doing some maintenance on the tank and separated the girls into 2. Guppies are Apr 8, 2019 · At the same time as you add your betta, add your endlers livebearers to the tank as well. May 16, 2024 · In fact, many experienced fish keepers are able to keep a few female bettas together in the same tank. A common ratio for a mixed guppy and platy tank is two to three female platies for every male guppy. How To Set Up The Ideal Tank For Guppies And Bettas. I wouldn’t risk it, I put guppies in with female betta before, tank sizing from 10 to 37 gallon. I kept a female betta with a few guppies in a 10 gallon semi planted tank with hiding spaces but the female betta absolutely demolished the guppies. it has now been over 5 months since Red Petite Mermaid [female CT] & Blue Bandit [male VT] were placed together, and officially 1 month and 9 days now since the 3 newest gals were added. Jul 16, 2024 · Female bettas and female guppies are considered the best combination for cohabitation. While you may think that keeping guppies with your female sorority isn’t a good idea, as long as you’re keeping females with females it has the potential to work. I have several spare empty 5 and 10 gallon tanks and cycled sponge filters as backup if need be. Jul 17, 2021 · Female betta fish may attack smaller male guppies if they think they are trying to mate with them but it’s unlikely that a guppy will misunderstand and attack a betta because of it. Learn essential tips for successful cohabitation, such as choosing tank sizes, monitoring behavior, and providing hiding spots. Jul 5, 2012 · I had a female betta that seemed to ignore my male guppies completely until randomly one day I walked in and caught her actively biting off one of the guppies' tail. Although bettas and guppies are both bright and vibrant, there are a few subtle differences in their colors. It is possible for a male Guppy to think your female Betta is a female Guppy, causing him to pester her in an attempt to breed. 5 gallon tank and and 2 guppies and 2 neon tetras so far in a 10 gallon community tank and by any chance if i have to end up moving the female from her tank to the 10 gallon will she be able to get along with the guppies and tetras. 2 inches to 2. Had to remove the big girl because she was messing with everyone and eating everything. Although female Bettas aren’t as aggressive this is likely to result in aggression and the death of your Guppy. Female Guppies and Male Betta. Again, you’ll have to watch them to make sure there’s no aggressiveness from your betta (or surprisingly, the guppies in some cases). While females are aggressive, they’re not going to be nearly as aggressive as the males. Similarly, if you put a female betta with male guppies, there may not be constant attacks. Jan 6, 2010 · Hi - I have 2 guppies in a 12 gallon tank and I'm thinking about getting a female betta. Nov 18, 2022 · This is another combination that should be avoided. She would hunt for the guppies and kill them for fun because she wouldn't even eat them afterwards. I have never seen these guppies be aggressive to my snails, platies, or each other (nipping/chasing). Male Guppies will often mistake a female Betta for a Guppy and try to breed with them. Jun 26, 2024 · If you decide to keep a female betta with a group of guppies, be sure to keep the tank heavily planted. In this section, we will explore the different aspects of breeding betta fish and guppies together, including understanding their reproductive behaviors, separating pregnant female guppies, providing adequate shelter for fry, and feeding and caring for the fry. Bettas don’t like brightly colored fish or other animals in their tank. Adult Guppies also have a high chance of eating the fry, regardless of the presence of a Betta. The smaller Neon tetras yeah, guppies? if you're talking Endler then yeah. we also have a 60L tank with 30+ guppies, 3 sucking catfish, 1 rummynose, and 4 large Mysterysnails. But definitely Endler guppies. Dietary Conflicts. Also, I expect the guppy population to increase, it is inevitable. I’ve had lots of luck keeping communities of guppies with a single betta though! (More so with female bettas, but i think it could work with a male depending on his personality) Mar 8, 2015 · OK, so we currently have a female betta in a smaillish, unfiltered little betta tank, and we have a male in a larger filtered tank. X'D He was fine for a bit, but I soon noticed a few little nips in tail and he had to be in a breeder net until his tank was ready. I just want to make sure before I get some. Mar 1, 2024 · Can Guppies Live With Bettas? How to Make Your Aquarium a Happy Place. Buy the right guppies. As carnivores, female bettas relish protein-rich diets of pellets, brine shrimp, and daphnia, whereas guppies are omnivorous. Betta fish are primarily carnivorous, enjoying a diet of primarily meaty protein with a small amount of algae and plant matter. He is an exception, not the rule. The best combination for Betta and guppy cohabitation is female Betta and female guppies. They stay small, but they require their fair share of space nonetheless. Ideally, you will have one per 2-gallons of water. And since you are thinking of putting 5-6 female bettas in with only 3 guppies, chances are the bettas would kill the guppies. One guppy needs at least 2 gallons of water to be comfortable. Guppies are known to nip the fins of bettas, causing them injury and stressing them out. Aug 31, 2024 · However, male guppies do mistake female bettas for guppies. Your female betta may confuse the female guppies for a sorority sister and attack. In fact, unless you want to breed at some point (which can present its own problems in a Oct 13, 2024 · Considering keeping guppies with bettas? This article dives into their compatibility, exploring the vibrant charm of guppies and the bold nature of bettas. Sean B. I'd upgrade the tank size first before anything. But to a Betta? Not always the case. Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. of course i wouldn't put her in there if the tank is over stocked its just in case i have to Jun 15, 2023 · The best option for this type of community tank is female guppies with a female betta. Apr 3, 2022 · Male Guppies and Female Betta. 5 to 7. If they seem okay, you’re good to go! Feb 26, 2024 · Female guppies are less likely than male guppies to nip the fins of your betta fish and it is rare to see them showing aggression. Dec 20, 2023 · While possible, female Bettas and mollies can be a tricky mix. Please check out our guide to the nitrogen cycle to learn more. Betta fish are known for fin-nipping and getting aggressive towards other fish with large, flashy fins- which is a good way to describe guppies. Feb 17, 2023 · Female guppies are less of a threat to a female betta. But, female guppies typically range from 1. My 20 long planted guppy and betta tank about 12 female guppies and 6 males with a betta upvotes Checking out if my betta gets along with the guppies Apr 9, 2006 · Ok. Female bettas are generally less aggressive than males, but each fish may have its personality. the male guppies never bothered the bettas (but they had female guppies to keep them busy) and the female bettas never bothered anyone. It’s a 20 gallon planted tank with 1 betta, 2 guppies, 15 harlequin rasboras and one pleco. Female betta sororities establish a pecking order. I had two female bettas in a 10 gallon with some shrimp and two guppies. On the other hand, a female guppy could live with your male betta pet. Guppies need a space to hide away if the female betta fish starts to show territorial behavior. Due to their dull appearance, female guppies shouldn’t bother the betta, but precaution and observation are still recommended. Pairing male guppies with a female Betta is also not advisable, as male guppies may mistake the Betta for a female guppy and attempt to mate, leading to aggression and potentially fatal attacks. When they are put in with your male guppy, the male will mistakenly try and mate with the betta. Rainbowfish work, too although they can be awfully timid so they can get bullied. My previous betta loved all fish, didn't matter and could peacefully co exsist with everything. Feb 22, 2024 · Are female bettas less aggressive towards guppies than male bettas? Female bettas tend to exhibit less aggression than males and might coexist more peacefully with guppies, reducing the risk of confrontations. This is my mom’s 20gal long, both heater and filter. Maintaining stable water parameters is essential for their health and well-being. Females are less impressive. Observe for any signs of stress in both the betta and the guppies. Consider peaceful tank mates like female guppies or platys for a safer, more harmonious community. Jan 26, 2021 · Its at 79 still for the Betta. Add Your Betta When He’s Young. He was fine. Remember that proper care and maintenance of a betta sorority requires a spacious and well-equipped aquarium and careful monitoring of the female bettas Sep 27, 2012 · hi hi i am just wondering something i have a female betta fish in a 2. I have a 10 gallons with 3 female guppies, 1 female molly (All 4 are kids right now) and 1 male gaurami. I don’t know if keeping a single guppy with a beta would be a super great idea. And here’s where the problem lies. Unless you got virgin females separated from their brothers before mating, all the females are probably going to be pregnant for several months. If you’re wondering why you can’t keep lots of bettas in the same tank, but you can keep one with guppies (and a few other types of fish), it’s because the betta hopefully won’t see them as a threat, being of a different species. When breeding guppies and bettas together, it’s essential to have separate breeding tanks. Sep 9, 2021 · Betta Splendens (more commonly known as “betta fish”) are among the most popular and well-known aquarium fishes. At least one will be pregnant and you'll be stuck with a population issue. 948 Views 3 Replies 3 Participants Last post by Unknown64, Mar 17, 2014 Jump to Latest O. 5 inches in some rare cases. However, if you have a betta sorority , you should make sure that you have a larger tank. However, if the tank has plenty of hiding spots and decorations, it may be possible to keep guppies with bettas, especially in larger tanks with sufficient space for them to establish their territories. Jul 5, 2019 · I have a 20 gallon long with a Male Betta, 4 male guppies, 1 female guppy, 1 khuli loach, 2 black khuli loaches, 2 gold ribbon type loach, 15+ adult cherry shrimp and 60+ baby/juvenile RCS. Apr 16, 2011 · 1 Male Betta 10 Female Bettas 8 Female Guppies 2 Male Guppies 7 Albino Cories 1 Tiger Pleco (NOT the big kind lol) Plus the shrimp and snails, though I don't think they will make that much of a difference in such a large tank. You also need to moniter the fish more closely - some bettas are just assholes. By considering these factors, you can take the necessary steps to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your guppies and bettas to live together. Limit betta numbers to minimize territorial disputes. I was thinking some Honeys were really cute little fish. Got the stupid idea to get a second betta since the first one seemed so peaceful with the guppies. Feb 2, 2023 · Aquascaping Designs Iwagumi Aquascaping; Crustaceans Female guppies can store sperm, FYI. Why Consider Tank Mates for Female Bettas? Benefits of a Community Tank. Female and male Guppy fish exhibit very different features, which in specialized terms if referred to as sexual dimorphism. Scientific Name: Betta splendens; Adult Apr 13, 2020 · In general, it’s recommended to have more female platies than male guppies. Would it be a bad idea to bring home a female betta to live with them? Nov 18, 2018 · Adding female betta fish with mollies can often be even easier than male bettas. Having more than one female guppy makes it difficult for a male betta to pick on one fish. Wrote it off as a fluke accident until I caught her doing it again a week later. These are shoaling fish that do best when kept The female betta, Mafalda, was so cute, she used to come to my finger all the time, and loved to rest on my hand. I bought the juvenile as a female, so it’s a trans betta that goes by pronouns fish and fin Jul 24, 2024 · Few female bettas can resist biting at a guppy’s fins, which is understandably stressful for the guppies. Should I get two more male guppies or two… Aug 31, 2024 · Male guppies have most of their coloration in their tails, which also tend to be quite luxuriant and large in relation to the size of the fish, making them a target for a betta fish. Female betta pets do have a less antagonistic nature. Wrapping Up Owning a group of Guppy fish can sometimes become particularly challenging for first-time owners, as most of them are not informed well of their super-fast reproduction. Feb 9, 2021 · Thank you very much for your reply. Alternatively, you can house female guppies with female betta fish, since they are slightly larger and generally have shorter fins than the males. Also the Betta may be more territorial with another fish who's preferred swimming area is the top half of the tank just like the betta. Your female Betta is not going to be pleased Depends entirely on the betta. May 8, 2022 · Keeping an aquarium Betta Fish with Guppy Fish can be done with the right parameters. Females will be less threatened by them and less likely to attack. Feb 23, 2024 · A sorority is a community tank of female betta fish with 5 or more members. Remember you also want more female guppies than male. There is only one issue with this combination of guppies and betta fish. A female Betta could really tear your guppy boys up. Dec 30, 2012 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in Apr 1, 2009 · my 15 gal tank housed with guppies, 1 CAE, 1 male VT Betta, 3 crown tail female Bettas, and 1 veil tail Betta is still going well. To prevent this, look for female guppies with smaller fins. . Adding tank mates to a female Betta’s environment can create a more dynamic and visually appealing tank. We know that this first suggestion may sound a little strange but sticking with female betta fish usually helps to keep things simple, especially for beginners. Though the female bettas are calm and are less likely to cause harm, male guppies often mistake the female bettas for guppies which may make the female bettas aggressive. Jul 25, 2023 · While a 5-gallon tank can comfortably accommodate a few guppies and a betta, it may not be enough space for larger schools of fish. When combined with a male guppy, the male will attempt to mate with the Betta. Obi1Goosie2043 Discussion starter Jul 10, 2022 · Guppy vs Betta: Appearance. Nov 12, 2024 · Guppies are great in a species-only tank, but you can keep them with many other beautiful fish species too. The safest combination is therefore to have one female Betta into a community tank with a smaller group of male Guppies. Otherwise all I can say is my betta is territorial and he is the only fish in there right now. Then she died from constipation from eating all the guppy food. They are known for their vibrant colors and peaceful nature, making them suitable for community tanks. The female Guppies with female betta are good tank mates, other gender combinations are not recommended between them. Apr 16, 2017 · Although I have a five gallon, I keep a female Betta and three guppies (one died by the filter with a 8 gallon filter and they act like a school of fish and never fight. Keeping Female guppies and female Betta together seems to be the best Sep 1, 2022 · Guppies, with their pretty, flowing fins, will need plenty of room to run and hide from the betta fish. male betta + female guppies: Moderate: If female guppies are not so colorful then no such problem with male bettas. I don't think she will but I have read that bettas and gouramis sometimes don't get along. However, telling male and female guppies apart can be tricky for beginners. A betta fish and an African dwarf frog pairing do best in 10 gallons (37. Incorporate abundant live plants, like Java fern or hornwort, to ease stress and delineate territories. 1 March 2024 • Updated 1 March 2024 May 14, 2015 · I just released my Betta into the community tank this morning and I am watching him like a hawk I have a one month old female guppy in there and so far he had paid no mind to her. This is another great tactic. 4 inches in length, putting them at about the same size as female betta fish. Therefore, when considering keeping guppies and betta fish together, it is generally recommended to combine female betta fish with female guppies. I just want to know of anyone else has kept their betta with guppies, and if it's worth trying? Jul 15, 2020 · Because the male bettas are generally more aggressive than the females, the idea ratio will then be one female betta to your male/female guppy ratio. 4. Guppies also breed prolifically, which can lead to overcrowding and stress in a betta tank. Picking female betta tank mates can actually be a little easier than for male bettas because females do not have such huge fins and are less likely to be bullied by fin nippers. Guppy. Apr 7, 2023 · Female bettas come in various color variations, including White Platinum Half-Moon, Koi Betta Galaxy, Hellboy Half-Moon, Gold Betta, and Blue Crowntail, among others. I have one named "murderfish", can you guess why? Also the endlers may opportunistically pick on the betta. Might want to take care with male guppies. While female Bettas can still be aggressive, they are less While it is good to know that female betta are not so aggressive, there can still be some compatibility issues of keeping female bettas with male guppies. Most bettas can safely be kept with endlers or guppies. May 26, 2023 · Unfortunately, that similarity in appearance can cause problems between male guppies and bettas, as a male guppy’s vibrant colors and long fins could trigger a male betta to attack it. 3 large live plants (I’m trying to convince her to get some more), and a good number of hiding spaces. I wouldn't take any chances. then we also have a 20L tank with another mysterysnail, 2 Yes and no, I mean if you have to coolest betta with the coolest females then yes but guppies are know for fin nipping and bettas are know for being ass holes Reply reply Eso_Teric420 Sep 16, 2023 · How the flashy tails of male guppies might provoke bettas: Mistaken Identity: To the discerning human eye, a guppy and a Betta are distinctly different. Aug 31, 2024 · While it’s believed that most betta fish do best on their own in the aquarium setting, there are some fish and invertebrates that can be kept with your betta given some extra consideration. Guppies and bettas can live together, but there has to be a certain degree of caution from the owner. But, the male guppies might try to breed with your betta, thinking that she is a guppy. Oh boy, the moment the second betta arrived, personalities switched, both are dead now. If there are any signs of stress, take the betta out and isolate it for a few days ensuring that it is healthy and stress-free, before trying again. Still, male Guppy sees female Betta as Guppy and will try to breed with them, resulting in female Betta attacking Guppy. Sep 6, 2021 · To avoid this, you may keep the ratio to 3-4 female guppies and one male guppy along with one female betta, which will reduce the chances of disrupting the peace in the tank. Jun 30, 2024 · Quarantine: Before introducing the female betta to the guppy tank, quarantine her in a separate tank for a few weeks to observe her behaviour and ensure she is disease-free. Oh man. Discover the pros and cons to ensure a harmonious aquarium environment, while protecting your aquatic companions Aug 12, 2024 · Understanding these differences is crucial when considering tank mates for your female Betta. Jun 15, 2022 · How many guppies can live with a betta? You can have 3-5 female guppies and a male betta fish without any serious issues in an aquarium that can hold 40 gallons of water. Does anybody have any experience with female bettas and guppies? I've heard you can't put male bettas with guppies. Just be sure to provide a variety of foods so that the fish can get all the nutrients they need. When you place a betta with guppies in the same enclosure, pay attention to the following factors to keep both fish safe. Female betta fish are much more peaceful than males, so, by adding a single female betta, you would be reducing the chances of your guppies being attacked. They need very hard water to survive, whereas Bettas prefer much softer water. At the moment I have one female beta and one male guppy. As you can see, guppy fry can cause some trouble, but it’s not the end of the world and it no way do they mark the end of your aquarist career. Guppies are among fish enthusiasts as are bettas, so can guppies live with bettas peacefully and comfortably? Bettas and common guppies can live together, and a range of water parameters suits both fish species. 9 L) or more. Keeping a Guppy Fish with a Molly Fish is not recommended. The simple fact that Guppy fish are good community fish doesn’t mean they can be housed with any other fish. 6. At the end of the day it depends on the betta's temperament. This may cause bullying from one female betta to another. Gradual introduction: When you're ready to introduce the female betta to the guppy tank, start by placing her in a floating isolation box or mesh container within the tank. Bristlenose Plecostomus (Ancistrus cirrhosis) Female bettas are relatively less aggressive than male bettas, which means you can add them with your male Guppy. The minimum recommended tank size is 10-gallons (long horizontal tanks are better than tall vertical tanks). In addition, you should plan on having a good-sized tank and ample hiding places to allow your guppies to rest. Female Sep 26, 2024 · Betta fish, especially males, are famous for their aggressive, territorial personalities. Female bettas and guppies get along fine together unless you have a particularly aggressive female betta. Some of these possible choices are: African dwarf frogs. Aug 31, 2024 · A stressed betta will quickly develop health problems, and damaged fins are likely to become infected by bacteria. Guppies and Betta fish are both popular choices for small aquariums, and a 5-gallon tank can be a suitable environment for them. My little sister loved guppies, though and INSISTED that dad get some for her and they went in as well. Mixing Guppy And Betta Genders: Dos And Don’ts. I would recommend kuhli loaches and some tetras perhaps. Mar 22, 2023 · Even keeping a colony of females long-term can end with one dominant female who won’t tolerate the others. Adding a single Betta to a Guppy tank may reduce the chances of fry being attacked, but it is not guaranteed. Their upper temperature only exceeds the minimum temperature requirements for bettas by 2 degrees. Of course, there are always some exceptions to this. Jul 13, 2023 · While it is possible to keep male guppies with a female betta, it is crucial to consider the betta’s temperament and the tank mates’ compatibility. The only thing I'm worried about is the guppies thinking she's a female guppy and harassing her but I will watch her like a hawk and take her out if she's not happy. I put an adult in there and he goes nuts. She's in a 29 gallon with 8 zebra danios (that she completely ignores), 6 black neon tetras (also ignores) and two male guppies that she will occasionally chase. What To Do if Things Go Wrong Aug 6, 2024 · Adding female Bettas to a tank with male Guppies might work, but keep in mind that male Guppies are constantly searching for females to breed with. Even with female guppies and female bettas, caution is still needed. In conclusion, it’s possible to keep Betta fish and Guppies together, but it’s not always the best idea. Your female betta isn’t going to be happy with this and will likely fight back. 5 Gallon- 1 Male Betta 1. If you want a Betta, just do a Betta and a couple of male guppies/tetras. Either your betta will torment your peas or, more likely, the peas will do a little taste test on the betta and find those fins an easy snack, stressing the betta. If your betta seems hostile, don’t proceed. I've found that my daughter's male Betta likes looking at a tank of active Endler's; he's in an 8-gal next to their 29-gal. However, they resemble female guppies. Oh man It really depends on the temperament of the female but I'm strongly advising against it. 5 gallon tanks individually. In short order, the orange betta ate all the shrimp, bullied the guppies and ate all their food, then their dead bodies, then harassed the other betta until she got breeding stripes (a sign of submission). Jan 1, 2024 · Both species have unique reproductive behaviors that are fascinating to observe. Plants like hornwort, water sprite, and java moss are excellent choices. Guppies will grow up to 2 inches, with some even reaching 2. A pair of guppies can easily be kept in a 5 gallon tank, which is also an excellent size for a single betta fish. So long as the betta you pick isn’t overly aggressive, most of those should work out alright. There are various ways to control the guppy population like separating male and female guppies, having male guppy, removing hiding places, introducing carnivore fish like female betta and gourami. Mar 8, 2012 · 20 Gallon Freshwater- 3 Cory Cats, 3 Neon Tetras, 2 female Bettas, 1 Pictus Catfish, and 1 Sailfin Pleco 16 Gallon Brackish- 1 Dragon Goby 10 Gallon Freshwater- 4 Fancy Guppies 1. I'd also recommend a plakat betta vs. Unlike betta fish, male guppies do well when kept together. Introducing more female betta fish with various colors, patterns, and tail shapes can enhance the visual appeal of the tank while keeping maintenance straightforward. I don't even know if my Amano shrimp survived his onslaught. It is always better to introduce the betta when the guppies are adult; guppies are tiny fish , and the young ones can be an afternoon snack for any fish species over 2. I bought some fancy male guppies (4) of them and put them in the tank that they were in originally. Once the betta is in the tank, make sure you keep a close watch on the tanks inhabitants at least for the first few days. Yes, guppies can live with Bettas, particularly female Bettas, as they are generally less aggressive than males. Male bettas and guppies may coexist, but you do not want to mix a female betta with a male guppy. Males are smaller and display fins in a varied range of colors and patterns. I wouldn't try to do 3 species of fish in that space and I probably wouldn't mix a loach and Betta personally. Well so many people have told me that you CANNOT keep a Male beta nor female beta in with guppy or fish with flared tail's, nor could you keep a female and male beta in the same tank together unless mating themI had just a 20 gallon tank for 7 month's that includedOne fantail gold fish, 1 Balloon fish, 2 fancy tail guppy's, 1 male normale guppy, 1 gaurmi, 2 irid shark's,2 female Beta If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our caresheet and wiki. In between the two attacks she would swim right along side the guppies with zero signs of aggression. Jul 23, 2024 · Keeping betta fish with guppies can be a bit more challenging due to their differing water temperature preferences and behavioral tendencies. Jan 31, 2016 · Do not put bettas in with guppies. He was the first fish in a 9 gallon Fluval flex. Ensure the tank is large enough (20 gallons They can attack the guppies, but also, if there are two male bettas, attacks between them can also happen. Male guppies and male betta kept together is a recipe for chaos in the tank. Finding suitable tankmates for your betta can be tricky. Isolating a pregnant Guppy in a breeding tank during birth is the safest Perhaps introducing the betta into a tank that has existing fish would work. Guppies cannot live alone. Overall, this is the best combination for housing Guppies Now the female that was being chased is an alpha female and attacks new males, the one that chased her the juvenile gets along with his new sorority perfect. Female betta may attack other betta fish, so in order to avoid any unnecessary hassle, stick to one betta. I also know it totally depends on the bettas temperament. 13. Sep 3, 2010 · I move things around here all the time, I have sororities of just females and then I have tanks with young guppy fry, adult guppies and their fry and I pretty much always have between 1 and 3 or so depending on the female bettas or 1 single male betta (sometimes a pr) in with most of my tank. Dec 26, 2023 · Additionally, joining betta-specific organizations and attending aquarium trade shows or conventions can provide opportunities to purchase female betta sororities from reputable sources. Feb 15, 2024 · Guppies and tetras are both popular freshwater fish commonly kept in home aquariums. Choose A Big Tank Mar 19, 2011 · Fishie Friends: 55 Planted Community: Tetras, Guppies, Kulhlis and 6 beautiful LadyBettas (awaiting their own tank) 5. If you don’t have a betta yet, then add endlers livebearers to your tank Oct 18, 2022 · Female guppies are not as colorful as their male counterparts, so it won’t be noticeable to the betta fish. Guppies are recommended to be added to a tank with plenty of space, with a suggested minimum of a 10-gallon tank for 1 betta and 3 guppies. I'm sure someone has suggested them already but they're my favorite for Betta tank mates. everything has been golden the first two weeks (newly established tank) but we noticed this morning it looks like someone nipped his tail. And that can lead to disquiet in the tank if the bettas take offense to being the object of the guppies’ attentions. im suspecting the guppies are at fault and will adjust the community Dec 13, 2023 · However, if you introduce betta fry to the tank, the guppy may eat it. female betta Sep 11, 2015 · I used to have a 125 gal with up to 5 or 6 female betta, breeding guppies (to produce live food for African Butterfly fish) and other things. The other day one guppy went missing (I’m assuming my betta ate that one, the weakest one) And today my guppy woth the longest fin is all but up and I saw my betta chasing them. I do not recommend. 5 May 17, 2020 · Hi, I got a betta a few weeks ago to go with my 3 guppies. Male guppies, with their bright colors and flowing tails, can be mistaken by bettas for rivals, triggering aggressive behavior. I'm not so sure about normal guppies - like males, it's quite a gamble I'd imagine. Corys, kuhli loaches, small tetras, rasboras, livebearers like mollies and guppies. I have a 55g tank which I had about 20 guppies at least half male and a Betta (who has since succumbed to dropsy) and he never had trouble from anyone, and never distributed trouble in any notable fashion. Female bettas often swim across all layers of the tank but mostly occupy the top. female betta + male guppies: Moderate: Male guppies may think of female bettas as female guppies and try to breed with them and harass them. Do female bettas and guppies need specific water parameters? Female bettas and guppies thrive in similar water conditions, including a temperature range of 75-82°F, pH levels between 6. So likely they would nip nip nip at your Bettas tail and they could really damage/hurt it. It’s somewhat heavily planted with a turtle cave in the back. kyakt amy oxte xrhr mjgs ywrw sznkjcb gjqgu cfpr ifzky